
The Global Travels of Nicolaï Michoutouchkine and Aloï Pilioko
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In 1959, Wallis Islander Aloï Pilioko met Russian French artist Nicolaï Michoutouchkine in what is now Vanuatu. The encounter proved pivotal as Michoutouchkine encouraged Piliko to become an artist, and he would go on to become one of the most famous Pacific artists of his generation. The pair became inseparable and began a remarkable decades-long adventure of traveling, collecting, exhibiting, and making Oceanic art all over the world. Peter Brunt wrote about the unique artistic collaboration for White Fungus.
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In the space of only a few years, Taipei Popcorn, the creation of New Zealander Nick van Halderen, has emerged as one of Taiwan’s most iconic drag queens. Whether performing at underground clubs, doing photo shoots for Vogue, or starring in art films, Popcorn has become an omnipresent and pivotal figure in the island’s vibrant queer culture. Yet surprisingly, prior to relocating to Taiwan, Van Halderen had never ventured into the world of drag. White Fungus editor Ron Hanson spoke with Popcorn about their unusual journey and gained a window into their personal transformation and Taiwan’s surging queer scene.
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Taiwan-based independent arts magazine White Fungus returns to print for the first time since the pandemic with the release of its 17th issue. The new issue is available for purchase now at the White Fungus online shop.
The Art Ensemble of Chicago’s Five Decades of Great Black Music
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Avant-garde jazz group The Art Ensemble of Chicago has been breaking boundaries for more than five decades. Kurt Gottschalk takes a deep dive into the group's history and its continuing evolution in the present. "A revolutionary who’s unwilling to change won’t likely be revolutionary for long," Gottschalk writes. Read an extended excerpt from the author's feature which runs over 30 pages in the new 17th issue of White Fungus.
Reviewing Mattin’s Social Dissonance
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Social Dissonance is a handbook published by the artist, performer and theorist Mattin which contextualizes his composition "Social Dissonance'', performed at documenta 14 in 2017. The score dispenses with conventional musical instruments and instead instructs the performer to make the audience their instrument. Music cataloger Colin Morgan reviews Social Dissonance and considers how he would catalogue Mattin's disruptive medium.
A Photo Essay by Yao Jui-Chung
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In this series of wide-angle polaroids, Yao Jui-Chung photographs Madou Temple's animatronic religious display and other similar depictions of hell from throughout Taiwan and Singapore.